Category: PoliticsTo be a member of Parliament is an odd profession, with very odd hours. The House sits for only thirty-six weeks a year, with a break for two-and-a-half months from August till mid-October. It sits from 2.30 p.m. to 10.30 (or later) from Mondays to Thursdays, and from 11 a.m. to 4.30 on Fridays. When Parliament is sitting, an MP is ruled by the changing sound of the division bell, demanding him to vote. Often at 9.45, a frequent time for divisions, MPs, rush from their dinner parties to the House. Wealthier members favour houses in the “division bell district,” just behind Par- liament-Barton, Cowley or Lord North Streets—within five minutes of the Commons. They have bells fixed in their houses and you can see them all dashing out into their cars.
(From Anatomy of Britain Today by A. Sampson)