The History of England

from Celts through 20th century

Archives for the ‘20th century’ Category


Category: Economy

Regional differences in the country’s economy are essential despite its small territory. Historically England proper is divided into the following economic regions: the South Industrial and Agricultural region, Central England or the Midlands, Lancashire, Yorkshire and North England. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are also regarded as independent economic regions of the United Kingdom. Hence, […]


Category: Economy

For hundreds of years, and especially since the mid-nineteenth century, when the rapid growth of industry, commerce and shipping was accompanied by Britain’s development as an international trading centre, overseas trade has been of vital importance to the economy. An analysis of the British economy has shown that the British workpeople are mainly engaged in […]


Category: Economy

Passenger and freight traffic is carried mainly by road. There are about 22 million vehicles, licensed for use on the roads of Great Britain. Of these 19 million were motor cars. In general the car is the most popular form of travel. Buses and coaches account for about 8 per cent of passenger mileage within […]


Category: Economy

Agriculture, one of Britain’s most important industries, supplies nearly two-thirds of the country’s food, directly employs about 2.5 per cent of the working population. However, its share of the gross domestic product is less than 3 per cent — the lowest figure among the developed capitalist countries. British agriculture is efficient, for it is based […]


Category: Economy

As in other developed countries, manufacturing plays a vital role in the economy, as well as energy production. The first public supply of electricity was in 1881. In 1948 all municipal and private undertakings in Great Britain were acquired under the Electricity Act 1947 and vested in the British Electricity Authority. Electricity is mainly generated […]


Category: Economy

Within the system of contemporary capitalism Great Britain has lost its former position as the leading industrial nation of the world. A pioneer in the Industrial Revolution, the former ‘world workshop’, Britain today is fifth in size of its gross domestic product (GDP) and twenty-third in terms of GDP per head among the capitalist countries […]


Category: Politics

Parliamentary government based on the party system has been established in Britain over the past 100 years. Even as recently as the early nineteenth century there was no clear-cut division in the House of Commons along modern party lines. The party which wins most seats (but not necessarily most votes) at a general election, or […]

Trade Unions

Category: Politics

In nearly all industries and occupations some workers (and in some industries nearly all workers) are organized into trade unions. They have grown up gradually and independently over many years and, consequently, their form and organization vary considerably, as do their traditions. Trade unions may be organized either by occupation (for example, they may recruit […]

The Labour party

Category: Politics

The Labour party was established in 1900 on the initiative of the trade unions and several socialist organizations (the Independent Labour party, the Fabian Society and Social-Democratic Federation). The main aim was to win working class representation in Parliament. This was initially reflected in the name of the party — Labour Representation Committee. In 1906 […]

The former Liberal party

Category: Politics

The Liberal party of Great Britain existed since 1832, though it was finally organized in 1877. The history of this party is closely associated with the Whig party, which emerged in 1679. Initially the Whigs voiced the interests of the financial and the trading bourgeoisie. The party was opposed to the policy of Charles II […]