The History of England

from Celts through 20th century

Archives for the ‘Land + People’ Category


Category: Land + People

There  is  no  doubt  that  among  other  urban  problems  in  Britain  it  is  the  inner  city  areas  that  have  attracted  most  attention.  It  is  the  inner  city  which  provides  a  good  many  of  the  most  urgent  problems  and  which  affords  an  arena  for  some  of  the  sharpest  clashes  of  interest.  The  tensions  between  commercial  and  […]

Easter Peace Marches

Category: Land + People

During  the  Easter  Holi­days  the  attention  of  the  progressive  people  in  Great  Britain  and  indeed  through­out  the  world  is  rivetted  first  and  foremost  on  the  Easter  Peace Marches,  which  took  place  for  the  first  time  in  1958  and  have  since  be­come  traditional.  The  people  who  participate  in  these  marches  come  from  different  sec­tions  of  society.  Alongside  […]


Category: Land + People

After  the  bloody  suppres­sion  of  demonstrations  for  the  eight-hour  day  in  the  U.  S.  on  May  1,  1886,  Amer­ican  trade  unions  and  the  Socialist  International  decid­ed,  in  1889,  to  hold  such  demonstrations  everywhere. Since  then,  May  Day  has  been  a  barometer  of  working-class  militancy,  re­flecting  the  changes  in  the  international  situation  as  well  as  in  […]

May Day Calls for United Action

Category: Land + People

The  most  widely  representative  and  colourful  May  Day  march  for  many  years  took  place  in London.  The  Musicians’  Union  band  headed  the  march  as  it  wound  through  the  city  to  cheers  from  bystanders.  Engineering,  draughtsmen-technicians,  printing  workers,  tailors,  furniture  trades,  sheet-metal  workers,  building  workers,  railwaymen,  electricians  and  vehicle  builders  marched  behind  their  union  banners.  Along  with  […]

Newspapers, TV and Radio

Category: Land + People

Newspapers Fleet  Street.  “Quality”  and  “Popular”  Newspapers Fleet  Street  in  London  is  the  home  of  most  national  daily  and  Sunday  newspapers.  People  often  say  “Fleet  Street”  to  mean  “the  press”. British  newspapers  can  be  divided  into  two  groups:  quality  and  pop­ular.  Quality  newspapers  are  more  serious  and  cover  home  and  foreign  news  while  popular  newspapers  […]

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Category: Land + People

Countries  of  the UK  and  Their  Capitals. Great  Britain. Britain. Eng­land.  The  British  Isles;  5,500 Islands.  Two Main Islands.  Location The  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Northern  Ireland  (the UK)  occupies  the  territory  of  the  British  Isles.  It  consists  of  four  main  countries  which  are: England, Scotland,  Wales  and  Northern  Ireland.  Their  capitals  are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff  and Belfast. The  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Northern  Ireland  […]

Climate and Wildlife in Britain

Category: Land + People

Temperate Climate.  Dry  or  Wet?.  Winds.  Changeable  Weather.  Rainfall The  climate  in  the  UK  is  generally  mild  and  temperate  due  to  the  influence  of  the  Gulf  Stream.  The  southwestern  winds  carry  the  warmth  and  moisture  into Britain.  The  climate  in  Britain  is  usually  de­scribed  as  cool,  temperate  and  humid.

What’s in a Name?

Category: Land + People

The  way  in  which  British  surnames  have  developed  is  very  compli­cated. Before  the  Normans  arrived,  the  use  of  surnames  wasn’t  really  known.  Many  English  surnames  were  originally  connected  with  a  per­son’s  job—  Charles  Baker,  Margaret  Thatcher;  someone’s  size  —  Jack  Long,  Mary  Little;  or  a  family  relationship  —  Robin  Williamson  (Rob­in,  son  of  William),  Peter  […]


Category: Land + People

The British Isles form a group lying off the north-west coast of Europe with a total area of 121,600 square miles. The largest islands are Great Britain proper (comprising the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland) and Ireland (comprising Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic). Off the southern coast ofEnglandis the Isle of Wight and […]

The Beauty of Britain

Category: Land + People

by J. B. Priestley We live in one of the most beautiful islands in the world. This is a fact we are always forgetting. When beautiful is­lands are mentioned we think of Trinidad andTahiti. These are fine, romantic places, but they are not really as exquisite­ly beautiful as our ownBritain. Before the mines and facto­ries […]